​I am on the job market as of Fall 2024! I'm seeking tenure-track faculty roles and postdoctoral research opportunities. ​Contact me at cpyle[at]umich.edu. ​
Cassidy Pyle
Hi! I'm a fifth-year Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Michigan School of Information. I study social media, algorithms, and identity. My primary line of work investigates social media and algorithms' impact on college access patterns for minoritized students, such as first-generation and low-income students.
I am advised by Dr. Nicole Ellison and Dr. Nazanin Andalibi. I am affiliated with the Social Media Research Lab (SMRL), Ethics, Society, & Computing (ESC), and the Marginality in Socio-Technical Systems Lab (MiSTS). ​My work has been featured at the CHI, CSCW, GROUP, and ICA conferences, as well as in Social Media + Society and Current Opinion in Psychology.
Ph.D. Milestone Projects
Dissertation Proposal - Slides
This is the slide deck for the defense of my dissertation proposal on discussions of affirmative action on social media and their impacts.
Dissertation Proposal - Full Paper
This is the full paper of my dissertation proposal on discussions of affirmative action on social media and their impacts.
Field Prelim Exam - Slides
This is the slide deck for the defense of my field prelim exam on first-generation, low-income students' social comparison experiences on social media during the transition to college.
Pre-Candidacy Paper
This is my full pre-candidacy paper on first-generation, low-income students' identity disclosures on social media.
Pre-Candidacy Slides
This is the slide deck for the defense of my pre-candidacy paper on first-generation, low-income students' identity disclosures on social media.
MAY 2021
Pre-Candidacy Proposal
This is my very first Ph.D. milestone, a proposal for my pre-candidacy paper on first-generation, low-income students' identity disclosures on social media.